Spyware and Adware: Detecting, Removing, Preventing.
Adware dominates PC malware infections. Users are still the weakest link. Adware rather than spyware is the most common problem code on PCs, according to a recent survey of infected PCs. The research, conducted by privacy company Webroot, found that seven of the top 10 types of malware were related to advertising, usually redirecting searches […]
Thoughts on Password Strength & Password Security: Protect Your Computer/Computer Network
Your passwords are the keys you use to access personal information that you’ve stored on your computer and in your online accounts. If criminals or other malicious users steal this information, they can use your name to open new credit card accounts, apply for a mortgage, or pose as you in online transactions. In many […]
Super compressed vid
Here is a super compact version of the vid from the latest Utah trip. More vids coming soon.
Just got back from SnowBird, Utah
Finally got to ride some in-season powder in the Best Snow on Earth in Utah. They have been hurting for snow out their big time, not as much as the northeast, but enough. Managed to get a day in at a great resort next to Park City called the Canyons. Those in the old school […]
The BadBrains at CBGB’s
Bad Brains put on 3 shows for the “last show’s at CB’s” lineup. They played with different bands each night, but at the October 10th show, they played with the Bouncing Souls, a band that I was never really impressed me, but put on a hulla’of show as a warm up act. The BadBrains rawked […]

CBGB’s last stand
This week is going to mark a loss to the worldwide punk and hardcore scene. With the closing eminent they are having a run of ‘all star’ shows. The highlight is going to be the 3 night run that legendary BADBRAINS is going to perform. That is a hardcore dream cum true… I went to […]

New mobile phones
I just picked up a new Sony Ericsson W810i for a client of mine, and I have to say that the phone ROCKS!!!. It looks cool and it has a 2 mega pixel camera and flash (which actually is more of a bright light). We originally tried the Samsung d807, but that phone was truly […]