Middle Finger Crosswalk Flasher
I saw this while leaving a clients at 27th between 10 and 11th avenues. Its my favorite New York City picture…. it took the picture here: View Larger Map

Alternate side of the street butterfly
I was taking advantage of the less than 30 minutes (the rest of the neighborhood has 90 minutes) of alternate side parking that is enforced on east 86th street. I am writing this post in an effort to own my own content and not give it all to facebook and twitter.I made friends with this […]
Effective striking methods
Being in the computer industry is sort of like being in the wild wild west. There is no computer workers labor union, no licenses, no governing body, and a government that understands so little of what is going on that they wisdom can not fathom the world around them. Therefore, those in my industry have […]
Intuit = Extortion, but really they just have no quality control
I have been on the mac platform using OS X daily for about 9 years. When I was first introduced to it professionally, OS 8 had just been released and I was a Windows/Novell administrator at Carnegie Hall. Switching from Windows XP to OS X was a no-brainer, it just worked better and looked a […]

Review of the Klipsch image s4i iPhone specific earphones
Boy, was I surprised as soon as I got them on and started playing some high bit rate music and the s4i’s made my music seem angry at me.

Cisco Aironet 1140 Installation part 2 (the juicy details)
The first thing I did when I got the unit was plug it in to an Ethernet firewall router that was running dhcp, so that it could grab a ip address lease and then I could hopefully access the web interface.

Cisco Aironet 1140 installation and configuration
I needed a heavy duty super secure and bullet proof access point for a new client. I am familiar with Cisco products and the Cisco IOS, and I currently have Cisco Wifi access points deployed at 4 location. I was pleased with the capabilities of the aironet 1100 series, but as they are not being […]

Cool Chrome motorcycle
I saw this motorcycle riding up west 26th street, check it out: sorry about the reflections, the glass the glass!!!!

joeNYC technician Peter Arminio with Walter Cronkite
Here is Peter Arminio and his pal Walter Cronkite after Peter installed a Ham Radio in his NYC townhouse.
Networking 101
The DNS servers tell the computer what the IP address of a website is. For example a DNS server will tell you that google.com is at IP address So with out the DNS servers set properly the computer will not be able to resolve domain names into IP addresses.