I’m liking the FireFox 4 beta…
I have always like the Mozilla’s line of browsers, from Communicator to Navigator to the current iterations. They have always either outclassed our outperformed the competition. That being said check out the new bookmark bar feature that uses the website favicon as a bookmark button. I am sure there are plenty of other features to […]

The Train / Crane
I was at the F train stop near near Prospect Park in Brooklyn. It had train wheels retrofitted to the undercarriage that connected a pressure wheel to the actual rubber of the normal drive wheels. Is that a muffler from a retrofitted propane system? There was a generator, and a remote controlled jack hammer, (both […]

The dog I saw on the subway
I was heading home on the “B” train and saw the interesting doggy. It was not obvious from across the train that the dog was not real….. JCL
A question (and answer) about wireless networking…
That is, if I get my nice new N gigabit router, and update my laptop wireless card will the laptop’s wireless performance suffer when my phone is also on the network, even if it is not actively downloading stuff?
Just found my dad’s patent on Google patent
My dad was in the plastics business in the 1970’s, but before that he was a tinkerer and made things in the oven using a mold and a vacuum cleaner, I think they referred to it as vacuum forming. It seemed kinda dangerous to me when I was a kid, but I wish I could […]

Middle Finger Crosswalk Flasher
I saw this while leaving a clients at 27th between 10 and 11th avenues. Its my favorite New York City picture…. it took the picture here: View Larger Map

Alternate side of the street butterfly
I was taking advantage of the less than 30 minutes (the rest of the neighborhood has 90 minutes) of alternate side parking that is enforced on east 86th street. I am writing this post in an effort to own my own content and not give it all to facebook and twitter.I made friends with this […]
Effective striking methods
Being in the computer industry is sort of like being in the wild wild west. There is no computer workers labor union, no licenses, no governing body, and a government that understands so little of what is going on that they wisdom can not fathom the world around them. Therefore, those in my industry have […]
Intuit = Extortion, but really they just have no quality control
I have been on the mac platform using OS X daily for about 9 years. When I was first introduced to it professionally, OS 8 had just been released and I was a Windows/Novell administrator at Carnegie Hall. Switching from Windows XP to OS X was a no-brainer, it just worked better and looked a […]

Review of the Klipsch image s4i iPhone specific earphones
Boy, was I surprised as soon as I got them on and started playing some high bit rate music and the s4i’s made my music seem angry at me.